"Klipperne i brænding" ("En maler ser på motiv") (The rocks in the surf - A painter looking at his motif), Christiansø 1917. Signed E.W. Oil on canvas. 66 x 85 cm
"Klipperne i brænding" ("En maler ser på motiv") (The rocks in the surf - A painter looking at his motif), Christiansø 1917. Signed E.W. Oil on canvas. 66 x 85 cm
66,0 x 85,0 cm
Estimation: kr 15.000.000
€ 2.010.589
Enchère: 5 Jours
Bonhams Los Angeles
Lieu: Copenhagen, Bruun Rasmussen
Enchère: 03.12.2024 16:00 Date
Numéro d’enchère: 31347
Nom d’enchère: CoBrA and Modern Art at Bruun Rasmussen